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嗚啦啦💓 第二波與Nike 合作的案子登場🤩 你曾經為了選擇運動內衣而煩惱嗎?🥺 讓Nike swoosh 三位姐妹幫你一把吧! 很開心第二波與 Nike 合作大中華區最新推出的swoosh bra 系列 繪製體驗網的人物和場景插畫 不管你是豐滿女、勻稱姊還是薄片妹或是還沒開始使用運動內衣的水水都能在Nike 找到適合你的運動內衣 快去下面連結體驗看看瞭解你的痛點和找到適合的內衣唷😊 I’m so glad to work with Nike again for the new launch of Nike swoosh bra in GC. It’s designed to interact with the users, dealing with their pain points and helping them getting the right products. I illustrated every scene that you are going to experience. We girls won’t feel headache anymore when buying sport bras. Go check the link bellow 😘 http://www.nike.com.tw/swoosh-bra

嗚啦啦💓 第二波與Nike 合作的案子登場🤩 你曾經為了選擇運動內衣而煩惱嗎?🥺 讓Nike sw...